Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hunter asked me to get this video uploaded onto his blog. The weather here has been amazing, so we have spent a lot of time outside. We are moving forward with school; although this week we are doing worksheets from sources outside of our normal curriculum - Hunter enjoys the break and it gives us time to do an intensive review.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hunter came down with quite a cold this weekend. He had a birthday party on Saturday and was fine - Saturday afternoon he started getting congested. Normally not a huge deal; however, Hunter refuses to breath through his mouth when his nose is plugged. Instead he sniffles non-stop and then will go into periods of almost hyperventilating trying to get oxygen. I've explained to him that God gave us a mouth to breath through knowing that we would have colds and not be able to breath through our nose. He just felt too awful to care. "Mom, I don't need it today."

Last year at school he had a cold and would not breath through his nose. He started screaming that he couldn't breathe. His teacher had to phone the nurse. They could not find a wheelchair to wheel him to the nurses office, so, in a panic, they had to use an office chair on wheels. Of course the nurse was sure Hunter should be rushed to some ER immediately. I picked him up and school and he laughed about the whole thing. He played them like a fiddle.

I can't judge him too harshly for being dramatic. In 3rd grade I told my friends I had brain surgery. Actually, the dentist took x-rays of my teeth - it just seemed like brain surgery to me. To this day I still wonder if it was surgery - it would explain a lot. LOL!! However, what I tell Hunter now is that unless he is honest with exactly how injured/sick he really is, I will take him to the ER immediately. That snaps him out of his drama pretty quickly.

We are on to happier times as Hunter is on the mend. Schools are closing early today due to freezing rain. I'm not sure we will have church tonight.