Monday, October 31, 2011

My Trip to Washington D.C. by Hunter Atwood

We recently visited Washington D.C and had a great time. The first day we went to Great Falls and it was amazing. I had a great time seeing the rushing waterfalls. I enjoyed climbing on the rocks with my friends. The second day I went to the Air and Space Center and walked around the National Mall. I went on a flying simulator. The most exciting part was seeing Capitol Hill. On the third day I went to Mount Vernon, home to George Washington. I saw George Washington's mansion. The children of Washington's slaves had to sleep on the floor! The next day we went to the Smithsonians. I was able to see the Hope Diamond at the Museum of Natural History. At the Museum of U.S. History I saw the Fort Mc Henry flag. There is so much to do in Washington D.C. I would recommend it to everyone.

Jonah, Grayson, Hunter, Ryan and Link

Capitol Hill

Mount Vernon

Hunter with a giant squid.

The Hope Diamond

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kemah Boardwalk - A great day of fun!

Kemah is a great place to spend with friends. I liked the Boardwalk Bullet, the Wipeout and the Pharaoh's fury. The Boardwalk Bullet was the most exciting ride. Going up the big hill is thrilling. I also enjoyed Wipeout. It spun me so much it made me sick.Finally Pharaoh's fury was a delight to go on. When you sit in the back you go really high. Aaahh!!!!! I loved Kemah and would recommend it to anyone.

Kolton, Hunter and Matthew

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Plugged sink and playground play

Now that Hunter and I seem to be on the mend from our colds, we are getting back into the swing of school. Yesterday we spent the day at Pinkerton Park and did school on a blanket in the shade. Hunter was also able to get a lot of playing in. When we returned home, the sink in our kitchen made a very odd noise and water began backing up into the kitchen sink. Of course, I screamed in horror while I ran around trying to find the phone number for maintenance. By this time, water (and chunks of who knows what) were spilling onto the floor. As I am running around, I see Hunter with his Grandma Chris blanket and his Lego box making a beeline for the door. I asked him where he was going. He yelled that he was leaving the apartment - he had the things he did not want to see ruined.

Today I asked him why he just grabbed his stuff and ran for the door. He responded that I have always told him not to worry about saving me in the case of a fire, but to just get out of the apartment as soon as he could - so that is what he was doing. I told him if in fact there were a fire, he should not take time to grab things on his way out. He responded that he would leave his Legos, but not his Grandma Chris blanket.

We did school at home and then met some friends at the park this afternoon. Hunter ran around and played in the creek. He managed to get into some Poison Ivy, but doesn't seem to have reacted to it. Tomorrow we will do school at the Brentwood Public Library.

Friday we head to Texas to check on the house and see friends.

Looking through Hunter's school books this week, it is shocking to me that we are quickly approaching mid year.Where has the time gone?  History will take us the longest to finish up this year. As will Math, only because I have supplemented with other Math programs so we are taking more time to get through.