Thursday, March 29, 2012

YeeHaw!!! One more year of homeschooling!

Recently, Hunter decided to head back to a traditional classroom for school. We have spent the last several months getting him ready to get back to the classroom. However, he has recently decided to take one more year to homeschool so he can spend some time enjoying the outdoors. I think the below photos will help you to understand why.

 Terry took Hunter, his friend Jackson and I to visit the burial place of Meriwether Lewis. It was a wonderful drive on the Natchez Trace to his burial site. We discussed out theories on Lewis' mysterious death. Hunter is convinced the innkeeper was drunk and shot Lewis, thinking he was an intruder. As the day went on, the theories grew more and more bizarre.
We hiked down to one of the waterfalls on Little Swan Creek. Hunter had a blast walking behind the waterfall and exploring. It took all his might to stand under the waterfall. The water was COLD.